Welcome to Milepost39, this website contains a selection of my railway photographs taken since 1997 but most will be more recent since around 2006 when I have been more into the photography side of the hobby as most of my early photos are pretty poor however the odd better one or two are shown here showing workings which are now history or otherwise of interest. All recent photos are taken with a Canon EOS 5DmkII. Being from Reading a lot of my photos are from the Thames Valley area however now living in Lancaster so most of the recent photos are from the North West but I make frequent trips further afield to all over the country so this site covers a large geographic area. The site also has an increasing selection foreign material from North America featuring both the USA and Canada. There are also some European photos mainly from Switzerland.
To view the most recent images select Latest.
The photos are indexed using a database and can be viewed by year, class or line. You may viewthe most recently most recently added photos by selecting ‘new’. Photos from a particular trip either domestic on overseas can be viewed by selecting ‘Trips’ and then selecting the trip. Some trips will have a full ‘trip report’ to go with them. Click onany thumbnail to view a larger version at 840 pixels wide and for most photos there is an option to view a larger version at 1024 pixels wide by clicking the increase size icon. When viewing an image you may click on any of the items in the 'quickinformation' table to search for similar photos. If you require a larger copy of a photo please contact me.
I hope you enjoy the photos
All Photos © Copyright Jonathan Lewis and may not be re-used without permission. Please e-mail jonathan@milepost39.co.uk if you require a high resolution image.